The following applications have been added/updated:
- Boot-it v1.0
- loadMii v0.3
- Nowell v1.01
- StellaWii v2.6.1
- Sukoban updated to v0.2
- Wii Quizz updated to v1.8
- YahtzWii updated to v1.1
The following applications have been added/updated:
The following applications have been added/updated:
I’ll send the applications updated email on the weekend when I add the rest of the applications.
24 January 2009 (v0.2.5b)
A few small things have been added to the HBB as shown above. The media category bug has finally been fixed as far as I can tell which is good news :). The extracting screen now has a progress bar thanks to Tantric and the network initialisation has been changed to keep retrying if it fails.
If you haven’t noticed some new pages on the blog I’ll point them out. The first one is HBB Development which gives you up to date information about the HBB development, features planned, bugs found, etc. You can also sign up, comment and submit bug reports. The second page is the HBB Guide which explains how things work.
Download HBB v0.2.5b or run HBB on your Wii to update.
The following applications have been added/updated:
The following applications have been added/updated:
The following applications have been added/updated:
The Homebrew Browser v0.3 is under development and I would like some feedback on what needs to be changed or what works well. The two main changes will be the main page which the homebrew is displayed and having a proper about page. The Main page is a rough design, the icons/text will look better.
HBB Main page
The idea of the main page is to make it as less cluttered as possible. Maybe the descriptions should be made shorter. The Emulators button would be click-able at which point all the categories would drop down and let you select which one to choose.
HBB About page
A informative page for the application.
Some Feedback questions include:
Does anything need to be changed?
Is there too much text?
Does the About page need an icon?
Is there any information missing?
Is the text describing the application long enough?
The following applications have been added/updated:
By now you should have the skills needed to start coding or modifying small games and utilities. In this Wii programming tutorial we will go through the Simon game and give a brief explanation of what things do. In this tutorial we focus on how to use the code we know to achieve certain the things that we are after. You can grab the PDF of this tutorial here: codemii-tutorial-9
Lets begin by firstly downloading the simon source code and opening up main.c. This version of Simon is intended to run on gcube. You can load the dol file with gcube and have a little play around.
Simon is a basic game; you have 4 colours and the computer generates a sequence of colours which you need to press correctly to win. The computer shows you one colour and when you press the correct colour the computer then shows you the next colour and so on.
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The following applications have been added/updated: