Homebrew Browser Source

As a fairly recent subscriber to the MVG channel, I was watching the latest video on Homebrew Wars when I saw the Homebrew Browser mentioned! I had pretty much forgotten about it which made me smile when I saw it :). Good to know that some users have modified the URL in the dol file so they can keep it up to date.

I had planned to release the source but forgot about it and the video reminded me that I should release the source so I hope someone can put it to good use. I must warn you that the source is quite bad so don’t expect to see something good. I won’t be able to answer any specifics about it as I don’t remember most of it, it’s been 8 years! (and I’ve moved on to other things)

So here it is: HBB Source v0.3.9e
And if you need the old devkitPro version with an old libogc version here’s the devkitPro directory I used: devkitPro for HBB v0.3.9e

16 Responses to “Homebrew Browser Source”

  1. […] hat den Quellcode des Wii Homebrew Browsers veröffentlicht! Damit ist es endlich möglich, diesen anständig zu […]

  2. CornierKhan1 says:

    Thank you for this! I’m sure it will be a great deal of help to those who need it!

  3. dhtdht020 says:

    Oh wow, thank you!

  4. SoonTM 32 says:

    Awesome 🙂 thx

  5. FancySC says:

    It was probably the Open Shop Channel version of HBB that he used.

  6. CompuCat says:

    Hey, was just thinking about this! I’m on staff with ForTheUsers (we run the Wii U/Switch Homebrew App Store at https://apps.fortheusers.org), and we’ve been thinking about doing a port for Wii. Would you be alright with this as a “HBB successor,” maybe even converting the existing HBB repository over?

  7. Amy says:

    OwO, i guess the open shop channel will switch over to this soon

  8. Xbox 360 says:

    how do I download it? idk how to get the browser from the source

  9. Jillycat says:

    The browser download page is giving me a 404 error. This old schooler wants some Wii games, halp.

  10. Ryan says:

    Haha.. I just came across one of the PDFs from the tutorials you wrote in a dir on my computer. (I was the guy that converted them to PDF for you..) Had to check to see if the links still worked and was surprised when they did..

    Funny old year this that you should come across the HBB you did and I the PDF..

    Anyhows, good luck in what ever you are doing.

  11. Moiky says:

    Thank you very much, it is incredible to know that there are people like you, you are great.

  12. Impeeza says:

    Hi, after all this years (11 guaw) I still uses your program, thanks a lot for your effort, Regards From Colombia.

  13. DisDude says:

    i have a problem. the homebrew browser is not working. even after changing switching servers it still doesnt connect. i dont know if its the program or my wii u vwii. can you help me fix it?

    • skelit0re says:

      Dude you say after switching servers…Are you talking about a private new address it’s being hosted on or are you saying you went into settings and opted to use secondary server? Cuz unless someone gave you a private new address they are paying to host, you thought this guy was still after all these years gonna keep on paying and paying for us to play with our wiis????? LMFAO That seemed like something people do??? LMAOOOOOOO No bro, it does cost money to host all that traffic, and somebody gotta pay the piper.

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