31 August 2009 (v0.3.5)
- Added repositories functionality
- Redid SD/USB mounting method so it keeps trying to at least mount one of these
- Cleaned up the text being printed a bit
The Homebrew Browser has been upgraded to v0.3.5. The main feature is the ability to choose another repository other than the official CodeMii one. There is only a test one for the time being which is hosted at bravenet.com to show that it can be hosted anywhere. I’m working on explaining how the listing file in HBB works here and hope to have it finialised in the next few days.
Download HBB v0.3.5 or run HBB on your Wii to update.
Exception (DSI) occured!
In Games section while rolling down.
Stack dump:
80075664 –> 80075650 –> 800a2f54 –> 800a2ef0
Code dump:
80075664: 980B0000 88090000 980B0001 396B0002
80075674: 39290004 4200FFE8 38E70008 39080A00
80075684: 2F8A0003 394A0001 419E00AC 48000070
Can you advise if it happens randomly?
Also try deleting your /apps/homebrew_browser/temp folder and see if that helps.
It happens every time I’m browsing down in the Games section (about Uno). Deleting did not help.
I get this too, every time.
Tried a clean install ans I saw it as well, no biggie
I get this error as well
Thanks, I have found the fix and it will be applied in the next version.
hey i got it all down. when i try to load the home brew browser it brings me to the screen everything goes ok then it says cant create/apps/homebrew_browser/temperary directory please help
Can you try to create /apps/homebrew_browser/temp manually?
Same here – get about 3/4 of the way down and it core dump. Have to reset the Wii to get back the homebrew channel.
Same problem here. very annoying.
Thanks, I’m looking into this.
I believe I’ve found a fix, hoping to release by Monday so I can add some other things to the release.
doesn’t see my usb hard drive… any idea’s?
After starting homebrewbrowser, wii hangs with black screen, white letters stack dump and so on…… tried different HBB, no result.
Wii firmware 4.1 with HBC softmod
After retrieving the IP it loops a message:
Read error -116 occurred. Retrying…
HBB hasn’t worked for me since v3.2. I’m at firmware 3.2.
I get an error (stack dump etc.) when I try to browse other games while a download in the background (queue) finishes (or starts to extract). If a download finishes while I’m watching the progress-bar, everything works fine :-/
Also the queue doesn’t seem to work, but maybe that’s just me.
im still geting the -116 error
4.0e firmware
Everything wen’t fine until I went to load HBB.
Got this message:
Attempting to mount SD card…unable
Attempting to mount USB…unable
This continued for eternity, but nothing after that. I was able to exit out though.
Any help?
im having the same problem
Did the previous version work for you?
i am having the same problem and i have wasted so much time, effort and even 50 bucks on a stupid game that i dont even like (zelda). i finally figured out about bannerbomb and got mine to download on my 4.1 firmware and now this error message…this seems impossible if its not one thing its another… but id really like some help. Any suggestions at all?
Is your card formatted as FAT32? Do you have a small SD card you can try? Can you try and use HBC 1.0.1? (might be a little hard to find)
It Works Thx
After downloading the new v0.3.5 , I get that same error now too >_<
I meant this…
Exception (DSI) occured!
In Games section while rolling down.
Stack dump:
80075664 –> 80075650 –> 800a2f54 –> 800a2ef0
Code dump:
80075664: 980B0000 88090000 980B0001 396B0002
80075674: 39290004 4200FFE8 38E70008 39080A00
80075684: 2F8A0003 394A0001 419E00AC 48000070
Please update to v0.3.6
I’ve been unable to retrieve the Homebrew list since 4th October. My friend has the same problem too. Is there a problem with the server?