HBB updated to v0.2.5c

17 March 2009 (v0.2.5c)

  • Fixed issue with utilities section that was causing it to be empty
  • Fixed zip progress issue

This update is just a quick fix for the issue that’s occurred when adding a new application to the utilities list. Also while I was at it I believe the zip progress issue has been fixed too.

Download HBB v0.2.5c or run HBB on your Wii to update.

4 Responses to “HBB updated to v0.2.5c”

  1. harry says:

    thanks very much! I’m looking forward to 0.3 🙂

    just a minor hint: when the card is full it says “not owner. check card lock”. got me confused at first and i thought it was a bug. but the card was full.

  2. mudmen says:

    i have semi brick my wii by updating my usa wii whit the 3.4u pal version is there a way i can unbrick it

  3. bezem says:

    Have you tried Team Twizzer’s Savemii? Just a thought, though maybe you had it already. http://savemii.net/

  4. Arikado says:

    mudmen: I’m pretty sure this isnt the place for that. Go on the IRC or head on over to the Wiibrew Forums.

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