The following applications have been added/updated:
- Frodo updated to v7
- MahJongg Wii updated to v0.8
- MPlayer Christmas Edition updated to v0.21e
- Splatter Castle updated to v2009.02.25
- Wii Quizz updated to v2.0.5
- YahtzWii updated to v1.12
1 March 2009
- MPlayer Christmas Edition updated to v0.3
Oh you weren’t able to get MPlayer_CE v0.3
but I guess there’s not much more in v0.3
Oh, that was just released. I’ll add it in by tomorrow.
And Neopop (wii only edition “TheStripper Unofficial Version”) see here:
could you fix the gxgeo emulator. it says the download failed and doesn’t install.
Thank you for your hard work teknecal!!!
I think it should be fixed now, there was just an issue with creating directories. Thanks.
In the “popular” tab, there are 2 “WiiPoker” side by side ? One is too much, no ?
Also, ScummVM 1.3.0 released, for Wii and other systems.
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